Tuesday, 18 December 2012

School's Out and Christmas Decorations

 School's Out!!!!

Can you believe that school is finally over for the year??? I'm soooooo happy it is, I don't think I could have lasted another day!! I gave all my Christmas presents out to my friends and I even had enough for myself. They were little tubs of lip balm of all different flavours/scents. I still can't believe that school is actually over for the year!! It's amazing to think, but in 6 (or however long it is) weeks it will start all over again, and just keep going on like this.

Christmas Decorations

This afternoon after us kids had gotten home from school, we put up our Christmas Tree and started decorating the house. We haven't quite finished yet, as Mum is still waiting for some candle stuff to come in the mail. I know, we were a bit late this year, not like the other families that put their tree up on the 1st of December!!! Surprising, there are even some presents under the tree!! Which makes it worse, wondering what is inside! Here are some photos that I took:-

I love it how you see the reflection of the Christmas Tree...

Our wonderful tree..

I love the birds, don't you?

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